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I have been a subscriber for 25 years and it has helped me greatly with income-oriented investments.
-Don C.

Over the years, your advice has proved to be invaluable.
– Harvey L.

Joining Jim’s service is, quite frankly, one my life’s best decisions. The other good reviews are true. Give it a try! It’s worth your time.
– Kevin C.

I have been a subscriber for over 20 years. The advice has been consistently solid, the analysis thorough and understandable, and the risks made clear.
– Edmund S.

The information I receive from Utility Forecaster would be hard to find anywhere else, and I trust the information is true.
– Bud B.

I have successfully used your information for more than a decade and the financial results have been great.
– Jack T.

I have been a subscriber for a long time, and have always had good results from your recommendations.
– Larry C.

Dependable and sincere advice from an advisor who cares.
– Farrell E.

I love my HR Specialist newsletter! Anything that makes my work more efficient is a great help. I often share articles from the publication with my supervisors and COO.  Keep up the good work.
Roberta A. Drury, The Shaw Group

I think your newsletter is wonderful. It has helped me out numerous times. Thank you.
Brian Babich, Director, Human Resources        

This is just a quick note to say “thank you” for your extraordinary assistance in answering my periodic questions posed to you on the HR Specialist website.  You are an absolute angel. Your responses are thorough yet not cumbersome, written in a style that traces professional rationale, and best of all provide ‘answers’ to the questions posed.
Steve Cesare

As a subscriber for numerous years to Administrative Professional Today, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used the downloads and read the newsletters from front to back. It has really made a difference in the way I do my work.

I support two VPs for a fairly large hospital and really appreciate your articles. I am constantly looking for valuable information and received some good ideas from you. Thanks!
– Stacy Hunter, Administrative Assistant, Parkview Medical Center

Please continue to keep up the great work with [Administrative Professional Today] and the excellent content! I’ll be a lifelong subscriber as long as I remain in the workforce. The tips have helped me so much. From the suggested websites, different software tips, ways of organizing my desk, to dealing with a difficult person. It’s covered here and I can’t wait to read all of the archives. Only wish I had enough time!
– Lisa

I have been receiving your newsletter for four years now and love it!  Thank you for all the great information!
– Deb Forner, Special Education Office

I have attended a number of HR conferences and LEAP is, without question, the best. It does not require a lot of time or expense yet is packed with relevant and practical content. All of the presenters are top-notch.
– Gayla Sherry, Gayla R. Sherry Associates, Inc.